Based on the Mac Hotels’ definition of Corporate Social Responsibility and its 3 pillars, the strategic goals that will serve as a guideline to mark the tactical operations, are as follows:
- Be socially proactive in the places in which the hotels and the organization are located;
- Be active and sustainable in the care of the environment and reduce the organizations’ impact;
- Promote the well-being of customers and employees;
- Manage and retain talent that is linked to the values that define us (authenticity, quality, excellence, diversity, engagement).
Following these lines of action and assuming the new global conjuncture, which has already changed our way of interrelating with the world, in the period of time 2020-2023 we extend to our Strategic Objectives the following milestones:
- Create Stable Relationships and Commitments between NGOs and the Group.
- Progressively incorporate our Stakeholders into our Social Responsibility Strategies.
- Customize our Social Responsibility Actions to provide maximum added value to society.
- Take up the challenge of Real Equality.
- Progressively reduce the Organization’s Environmental Footprint and work on real compensation.
Our commitment to the SDGs in the Decade for Action (2021-2030) as well as with the Impulsa Baleares Foundation in the Leading Hotel Circularity Project, will guide our Environmental Master Plans in the coming years.